A Loner

In this world everyone can pretend to be like others. But for me we can't pretend and don't need too. why? It simple because when the others attracted to us they will accept us with who we are. Friend doesn't care about other people say.To be honest at first I'm also one of the people who always pretend be another girl, but I realise now that it better be yourself. People come to you for who you are. So it not worth for pretend be another person.

You know what it always have a way to make friends without pretend. When we be ourself it show that we love and appreciate ourlife. I know everyone has their own hard time just like me. But it not a signal that we should be others. Love come when we don't find it. It enough when we be ourself.. If you a happy go-lucky girl then be that one. if you think you a shy girl then be it..

So we can conclude that be ourself it better then pretend.. I know how it going to be when we alone but trust me when have someone that find us and take care of us then it the day that we not a loner anymore. How I know? hahaha....simple because it what I feel now.. I know it going to be hard to wait that day come but as long as we hold it tight we gonna get it.

That all for now. Thnks for reading it.
It is just what I feel and I wanna share with all of you!
annyeong :)


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